We set out to make our reports better.

The Real Estate industry is heavily dependent on documentation, but this comes at a cost.

Property Condition Reports are especially time sensitive, however the process of physically printing and delivering a report to a tenant and having them manually return it can drain a lot of that time – sometimes days are wasted in transit.

Aside from the inconvenience, the amount of paper consumed printing two copies of a report for each property adds up quickly into a landslide of waste. When you consider the number of properties rented in Australia each year, and the amount of resources that are involved in producing paper, it’s impossible to ignore the mounting responsibility.

Introducing Reports Online.

The vision behind Reports Online is simple. We aim to;

  • Make reporting easier for PMs

  • Make distributing reports easier for PMs and Tenants

  • Heavily reduce consumption of resources

Here’s how it works…



The PCR is typed and uploaded.



When you are satisfied with the PCR, it is sent to the tenant for review.



The tenant reviews the PCR, adding their comments.



The PCR is locked for editing and a pdf is e-mailed to the Tenant.

Get started today!

If you’re ready to streamline your reporting process and reduce your carbon footprint, take a look at our plans below and then get in touch with one of our consultants who can help set up your agency with Reports Online.

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